my!WIND 10 kW wind turbine
Best choice for residential and small business consumers
The my!WIND 10 kW is an actively controlled and robust design for a wide range of wind regimes. Its three redundant braking systems with 4 bearings per blade and drive chain-based pitch synchronisation are unique. Gyroscopic (vibration), temperature and speed sensors ensure safe operation.

What a beautiful way to produce your own power!

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High performance blade profiles
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Fully resin embedded generator windings
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Robust pitch mechanism with 4 bearings per blade
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Rotary slip ring system: No twisted cables!
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Easy to install and lift (without crane)

my!WIND 10 kW specifications
Rated power10 kW at 10.5 m/s
Cut-in wind speed2.5 m/s
Rotor area28.3 m²
TowersSteel tube,
self-supported or guy-wired
Tower heights10 and 18 m guy-wired
or 10 and 16 m self-supported
Rotor positionUpwind
Main power controlPassive blade pitch
Secondary brakeYawing out of wind
Emergency brakeFail-safe (with power off)
Yaw systemActive (electrical)
Nominal rotor speed200 rpm
Design classWind class II (IEC 61400-2)
Generatormy!WIND ring generator
400 V, 3 phases AC
Drive-trainGearless direct drive-train,
cogging-free (soft start)
Rotor bladesmy!WIND profile, fibre-glass
Rotor blade roots4 bearings per blade
Controllermy!WIND (with internet access)